Understanding the Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Algorithm
Problem Overview
Find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters in a given string.
Function Signature
* @param String $s
* @return Integer
function lengthOfLongestSubstring($s)
Algorithm Breakdown
Initial Setup
The function begins by initializing several key variables:
$length = strlen($s); // Get total length of input string
$maxLength = 0; // Track the maximum substring length found
$charIndexMap = []; // Hash map to store character positions
$left = 0; // Left side of sliding window
The Sliding Window Technique
The "sliding window" technique uses two variables to maintain a window of characters:
for ($right = 0; $right < $length; $right++) {
$char = $s[$right];
if (isset($charIndexMap[$char]) && $charIndexMap[$char] >= $left) {
$left = $charIndexMap[$char] + 1;
$charIndexMap[$char] = $right;
$maxLength = max($maxLength, $right - $left + 1);
How It Works
iterates through the string character by character- For each character:
- If we've seen it before within our current window, move
- Update the character's position in our map
- Calculate the current window size and update maximum length if necessary
- If we've seen it before within our current window, move
Example Walkthrough
Using the input string "abcabcbb":
- "a" -> maxLength = 1
- "ab" -> maxLength = 2
- "abc" -> maxLength = 3
- "abca": We hit second "a":
- Find previous "a" at index 0
- Move
to index 1 - Current window becomes "bca"
- maxLength stays 3
- Continue...
Final result: 3 (the substring "abc")
Complexity Analysis
- Time Complexity: O(n) where n is the length of the string
- Space Complexity: O(n) probably
The sliding window technique demonstrated here is particularly efficient as it only requires a single pass through the string while maintaining optimal space complexity.