Node LTS Versions and Names
Creating a New Web App/Mobile Project - The Whole Process
Search Engines
How to Keep Using Laravel Elixir and Gulp instead of Moving to Laravel Mix
Controlling a Process with systemd
3D Printing
Resurrect Nextcloud Bookmarks Apple iOS App
Laravel Facades Quick Explanation
Command to Update Nextcloud from CLI
Bash Script to Compile and Install Vim from Source
Vimdiff a File From Another Git Branch
Docker Virtual Networks
Get File MIME type in PHP
Default AWS Linux Usernames
Handling Signed Overpunch in PHP
Apple iPhone iOS Phone Setup Notes and Notable Apps
Various PHP Project Dockerfile Examples
SOCKS5 Proxy Demystified
Various Options for Self-Hosted and/or Disposable Email Addresses
Remove Laravel Tinker Package
Various PHP Escape Sequences for Special Characters in Double Quoted String
Detailed curl Debugging in PHP Using the Output Buffer
Laravel Vapor Does not Delete AWS RDS Databases when Deleting an Environment
XMPP Notes and Various Links
Removing Unused CSS with gulp-purifycss in Laravel/PHP Projects
Flush DNS Cache in Firefox
Remove Empty Array Elements in PHP
US Prescription Drug Information Data Sources and Info
Code Documentation for Old Version 2.x of box/spout PHP Spreadsheet Package
Difference Between Laravel Eloquent Model and Collection
git - Show File History and Info for Specific File
An Inexhaustive List of Koans to Help Learn C++
What is a Hash Table?
Some docker and docker-compose Commands for Reference
Calculate Original Price from Percent Discount
How to Verify Integrity of Binary Files prior to Installation
How to Delete All Images in a LibreOffice Calc Spreadsheet
What are 408 Request Timeout Errors
Get Full URL of Current Page in PHP
Git Error
Can the Apache Module mod_access_compat Safely Be Disabled in Apache2.4?
Disable SSLSessionTickets in Apache 2.4 on Debian 10
Switching to php-fpm and Apache 2 mpm_event Worker Instead of mpm_prefork in Debian 10
Create MySQL / MariaDB User for Remote Administration
Kubuntu 19.10 to 20.04 In Place Upgrade
Linux on Lenovo Carbon X1 (7th gen) Laptop
Copying One File into Another File within Vim
Example Ubuntu 16.04 sshd_config for SFTP User Access
Migrating a Nextcloud Instace to a New Server
Connect to a sqlite Database with PHP PDO
How to Show Only Filenames when Searching with Grep
Upgrading Laravel 5.2 to 5.5
React Notes
NetlifyCMS Example Configurations
Install Hugo from Source on Ubuntu 19.10
Fixing a git Commit to the Wrong Branch Before it's Been Pushed
Recovering an Unresponsive EC2 Instance
Scraping with Python 3 and Beautiful Soup
Allow MySQL Root Access from All Hosts
Display Octal Permissions of a File or Folder in Linux with the 'stat' command
Useful Android Apps
List Installed PPAs in Ubuntu 18.04
Nullable Return Types Beginning in PHP 7.1
Form Submission Options for Static Websites
Save Python Interactive Session to a File
CSS box-shadow Quick Reference
Fixing Okular (KDE PDF Viewer) Bookmarks
Setting Up an Algo VPN WireGuard Client on Ubuntu/Kubuntu 18.04
Basic rsync Usage
Improve Laptop Battery Life in Kubuntu/Ubuntu 18.04
Upgrading from PHP 7.0 to PHP 7.1 on Ubuntu 16.04
Yum CentOS Package Manager Command Reference
Setup KDE Wallet for Use with SSH Keys
Creating a New PHP Project from Scratch with Composer
Better PHP String Replace with the strtr Function
Check if Program Installed within Shell Script
Kubuntu 18.04 Setup Notes
Change Color of an SVG Image Defined in CSS with a CSS Mask
Compensating for Fixed Elements When Using Native HTML 'required' Validation using jQuery
PHP CLI Script Boilerplate
Markdown Markup Language Reference
Certbot Utility for Let's Encrypt - Command Reference and Examples
Batch Renaming Image Files on the MacOS Command Line with the 'rename' Perl Utility
Customizing Tree Style Tabs Firefox Extension
Using Hugo to Serve a Static Website
Backup and Upgrade Nextcloud from 13.0.0 to 14.0.1 - Notes
Prevent Creation of .DS_Store Mac files on Mapped Network Drives
Using VIM for Project Wide Search and Replace
Access Underlying Monolog Instance used by Laravel
PHP Regex Quick Reference
Common Special Characters / Entities in HTML Quick Reference
Quick hreflang HTML Attribute Tips
Let's Blog Laravel Package Released
Let's Encrypt Error on Ubuntu 16.04
Handling Dates in yyyy-mm-dd Format in PHP with the DateTime Class
Search for Packages on the Command Line Ubuntu 16.04 with apt-cache and apt
sqlite (sqlite3) on Command Line Ubuntu 16.04
Copy MySQL Database to SQLite (Table Structure Already Created)
Test Drive KDE Neon with Docker and neondocker.rb - Instructions by
Investigating the Konsole Term String in Kubuntu 16.10
Installing Docker Machine on Ubuntu 16.10
Mounting a Synology NAS NFS Shared Folder on a Ubuntu 16.10 Client
Installing MuPDF from Source on Mac OS X 10.10
Fixing Node, NPM, Gulp, and Laravel Elixir on Ubuntu 14.04
Installing Supervisor to Manage Laravel Queue Processes on Ubuntu
Installing Postfix with DKIM and SPF to Send Outbound Email on Ubuntu 16.04
Getting Started with Docker and Docker Compose on Ubuntu 14.04
Setting Up Wordpress with WP CLI on Ubuntu 16.04
Setting Up Apache 2.4, MariaDB, and PHP 7 with Ubuntu 16.04 on a Digital Ocean VPS
Setting up HTTPS (SSL/TLS) with Let's Encrypt and Apache on Ubuntu 14.04
Setting Up a Local WordPress Development Environment with Apache, PHP, MariaDB, and WP CLI on Mac OSX 10.11
Retrieving the Count of Records in an Eloquent Pivot Table in Laravel 5
Convert a Given Git Branch to Master and Retain History
ssh-copy-id Utility
Discard Local Changes in Git
pwck /etc/passwd Configuration Validator Linux Utility
Removing Duplicate Values from a Comma Delimited String with PHP
.vimrc Vim/gVim Configuration File
Referential Integrity in the Context of a Relational Database
Syncing ntpd and FreeSWITCH Clock on CentOS
Using diskpart to Format a USB Drive in Windows
Installing Arch Linux Over a Network with PXE
Converting a Putty Private Key (.ppk) to Openssh Format on a Mac
Editing a systemd Unit File
Windows 7 Default Gateway Blank After Restart
Windows IPv4 Route Table Info
Updating from Cyanogenmod 7 to Cyanogenmod 9 on HP Touchpad
Transferring PuTTY and WinSCP Configs between Windows Machines
PHP - Unable to load dynamic library gd